You spent all of your life insuring their health and happiness and all though euthanasia may stop the pain and suffering, it is against every principle we stand for that benefits the welfare of our pets! I think this is what hit home with me and hurts the most!
Thank you for taking the time to look at my website, I hope it helped in some way even if it was in a very small way! These are some photos of my pal Bud.
Please scroll down to see
HBud's personal photo Gallery!H
Born September 15th 1990 Parkerford, PA.
euthanasia 11:20am September8th 2003 Springfield, Mo.
Born in Parkerford, PA. on a small horse farm Sept 15th 1990.
He was given to me by a friend that was a blacksmith by trade.
Died Sept. 8th 2003, 11:20am Springfield, MO.
A young 'Bud' ready to grow!
I believe this is the most majestic photo of my pal that I ever had the pleaser to take!
He used to love that sink in my old Airstream!

This really was one of his favorite spots. He fit right in so purrfect.
He used to like to play the guitar too!

My heart was breaking! I was watching my best friend slowly starve to death, because he couldn't eat right because of all the pain & swelling he had.
My Little Helper!

This little statue came to represent some of the heeling process for me, something I needed very badly! All though it has been all most 5 years now, I still grieve for his loss! I sure do miss my best friend! Everything happened so fast! In about a 5 to 6 week time period I went from thinking my cat would get better to going through all of his pain with him while he was slowly starving to death because chewing was too painful for him! I found this out by accident when he tried to bite me and couldn't bite me hard at all! Before all this he would bite so hard he would make you bleed if you didn't holler at him to stop biting so hard!
Imagine all the pain he went through when the vet was wiggling his jaw back & forth and guessing! He must have really irritated the jaw and ear area causing more damage!
Budder 9-15-1990 to 9-8-2003 My Best Friend!

Died Sept. 8th 2003, 11:20am Springfield, MO.
The worst day of my life!